
Magna-Matic Warranty
MAGNA-MATIC CORPORATION (the “Manufacturer”) warrants Manufacturer’s products (the “Products”) will be free from defects in manufacture by Manufacturer (the “Warranty”). The Warranty will be effective and valid for a period of one (1) or two (2) years, as indicated on the Warranty certificate or Manufacturer’s website, beginning on the date in which Manufacturer ships the Product (the “Warranty Period”) from manufacturer’s facility directly to Manufacturer’s distributor or customer/end user (the “Customer”). The Warranty shall obligate Manufacturer to repair or replace (in Manufacturer’s discretion) defective Products as provided below. Manufacturer shall maintain records, including Manufacturing Process Instructions, for all Products for a period equal to the Warranty Period. Upon the expiration of the Warranty Period, Manufacturer will have no further obligation to Customer with respect to a Product that is non-conforming and/or defective for any other reason. To take advantage of the Warranty, Customer must take the following three steps: (1) Customer must promptly notify Manufacturer after Customer becomes aware that it has a defective Product, which in all events must be within thirty (30) days of Customer’s discovery of the defect and within the Warranty Period; and (2) Customer must provide detailed digital pictures and/or must return the defective Product to Manufacturer immediately thereafter and/or make the Product available to Manufacturer for inspection (at Manufacturer’s request/discretion), and in no event more than thirty (30) days after any notification provided in (1) above; and (3) Customer must insure the defective Product until Manufacturer receives and accepts it. After Customer has taken the above steps, Manufacturer will evaluate the Product to determine if Customer’s warranty claim is valid and to determine what, if any, remedy is available to Customer. Customer must return or make available all defective Products with complete documentation associated with the defective Product.The Warranty shall be invalidated if: (1) damage to the Product is the result of misuse or abuse by Customer or any end user of the Product; or (2) if the Product has been modified by Customer or any end user of the Product; or (3) if any defects in the Products are caused as a result of Manufacturer following Customer’s specifications in manufacture that contain any problems, faults, errors, miscalculations, or discrepancies in the specifications. If Manufacturer decides to repair or replace the defective Product, Manufacturer will ship the repaired or replaced Product (both, a “Repaired Product”) F.O.B. the shipping point and all of the provisions in this Warranty pertaining to the Products will apply to the Repaired Product, including but not limited to, the risk of loss provisions set forth above. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Warranty Period for a Repaired Product will not be restarted, but instead will expire at the same time as though the Repaired Product was never a defective Product but rather the Product at all times.THE WARRANTY PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS THE ONLY WARRANTY MANUFACTURER PROVIDES TO CUSTOMER, AND SHALL BE IN THE PLACE OF ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE OR NONINFRINGEMENT, OR ANY OTHER OBLIGATION ON MANUFACTURER’S PART. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN STATEMENTS MADE BY MANUFACTURER, EXCEPT THOSE MADE IN THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE CONSIDERED A WARRANTY OR CONSIDERED TO HAVE ANY LEGAL EFFECT. ADDITIONALLY, NO SAMPLES, MODELS, OR PROTOTYPES MANUFACTURER PROVIDES TO CUSTOMER SHALL BE CONSIDERED A WARRANTY OR CONSIDERED TO HAVE ANY LEGAL EFFECT. CUSTOMER’S EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR MANUFACTURER’S BREACH OF WARRANTY SHALL BE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: (A) THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT; OR (B) THE REFUND OF THE PRICE CUSTOMER PAID FOR THE DEFECTIVE PRODUCT. THE REMEDIES SET FORTH ABOVE SHALL BE DETERMINED IN MANUFACTURER’S SOLE DISCRETION. ANY SHIPPING COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH VALID WARRANTY PRODUCTS THAT MANUFACTURER AND CUSTOMER HAVE MUTUALLY AGREED UPON SHALL BE PAID BY MANUFACTURER.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE SALE, MANUFACTURE, OR USE OF THE PRODUCT, WHETHER BASED UPON BREACH OF WARRANTY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OTHER TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY. MANUFACTURER’S LIABILITY IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE OR USE OF THE PRODUCT WILL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, IF A SINGLE PRODUCT CAUSES ANY DAMAGES, MANUFACTURER’S LIABILITY WILL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE OF THAT SINGLE PRODUCT. DAMAGES REFERRED TO IN THIS PROVISION INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, OR USE OF THE PRODUCT; THE COST OF CAPITAL, SUBSTITUTE PRODUCTS, REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS, OR DOWN TIME; ANY CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CUSTOMER’S CUSTOMERS OR OTHER USERS; DEATH; PERSONAL INJURY; AND INJURY TO PROPERTY.This warranty does not cover the electric motor. See BALDOR and LEESON warranties respectively.
Electric Motor Manufacturer's Warranties
Magna-Matic only uses LEESON, BALDOR, and US MOTORS industrial electric motors designed exclusively for Magna-Matic cleaners and sharpeners.
LEESON Motor Manufacturers Warranty
BALDOR Motor Manufacturers Warranty
US MOTORS Manufacturers Warranty
Magna-Matic Blade Cleaner Brush Warranty
The brushes on the MAG-12008 are covered by a 2 year warranty by MAGNA-MATIC. If the brushes in the MAG-12008 wear out within 2 years MAGNA-MATIC will provide (six pieces of part number 12008-20 8" inch brushes). This warranty will cover one set of six brushes or 2 years, which ever comes first.
30-Day Guarantee Trial
The MAG-1000, MAG-8000, MAG-12008, MAG-200, & MAG-9000 Series Products come with a *30 day 100% satisfaction guarantee. In the event you are not satisfied with any of the above products we will provide you with a return authorization and a UPS call tag for pick-up. You will be provided with 100% credit less the shipping cost (to & from) your facility and one grinding wheel. The returned product must be in good order, or further charges will apply. Parts or other OPE products may be returned within 30 days for a full refund, if they are in a new/unused condition. Customer pays all shipping costs, unless Magna-Matic is at fault. Returns after 30 days of invoice must be requested and Magna-Matic reserves the right to accept or reject them (post 30 day returns will be subject to a 15% restocking fee, if authorized.)
*30 days from invoice date
** Guarantee applies to direct sales only.Magna-Matic Start-Up Service & LIFETIME Toll Free Phone SupportOnce you have any of our products ready to operate CALL US AT 800.328.1110 and we will instruct you of the proper operating procedure. We want you to be the most profitable with any of our high-performance tools. Also, you get LIFETIME PHONE SUPPORT with all of our products. Call our toll free number to talk to a real live person, and get personalized help.