Lawn Mower Blade Cleaners
Magna-Matic is the sole manufacturer of high-quality lawn mower blade cleaners for use with rotary lawn mower blades and continues to lead the industry.
At Magna-Matic, we specialize in providing the lawn care industry with high-quality, innovative products designed for servicing and maintaining lawn mower blades and equipment. In fact, we spent the better part of a decade testing and developing the first lawn mower blade cleaner. Designed to rapidly clean your mower’s blades, our product can clean blades up to 30-inches long and 3.75-inches wide in 60 seconds, successfully removing dust and rust entirely. Our proprietary lawn mower blade cleaner is also exceptionally safe, as it is fully enclosed and dust collector ready.
Pick up a lawn mower blade cleaner today from Magna-Matic. We also offer a lawn mower blade cleaning system that comes with a blade balancer and convenient pedestal stand. Shop today.